1. 烤鸡胸肉配蔬菜:烤鸡胸肉可以搭配喜欢的蔬菜,如胡萝卜、西兰花、洋葱等,烤制后可搭配自制的酱料。
2. 意大利面:可以尝试制作经典的肉酱意面或奶油培根意面,再加上一些蔬菜和奶酪。
3. 蔬菜沙拉:用新鲜的蔬菜制作沙拉,加入一些坚果、水果和蛋白质源,如烤鸡、水煮蛋或豆腐。
4. 烤蔬菜:将各种蔬菜切成块状,涂上少量橄榄油和调味料,烤至金***,口感香脆。
6. 咖喱菜肴:如咖喱鸡肉、咖喱牛肉或咖喱蔬菜,配上米饭或面条。
7. 烤鸡腿或鸡翅:用喜欢的调味料腌制后烤制,可搭配蔬菜和沙拉。
8. 海鲜菜肴:例如烤三文鱼、煎虾或蒸鱼,搭配蔬菜和米饭。
9. 甜点:可以准备一些简单的甜点,如水果拼盘、巧克力蛋糕或冰淇淋。 当然,具体的菜谱选择应根据客人的口味和饮食偏好来确定。此外,还可以考虑准备一些开胃菜、小吃和饮品来丰富餐点。在准备菜肴时,注意食材的新鲜度和烹饪技巧,以确保菜品的美味和质量。希望这些建议能为你的家庭招待提供一些灵感!
Ham bake eggs
Ham bake egg production materials:
Things: eggs 500 g
Excipients: Ham 50 grams,
Seasoning: lard 100 grams, salt 5 g MSG 1 g, sesame oil 15 grams, green onions 10 grams
Ham bake egg ***roach:
1. Cooked ham cut into the late spring onions and cut into flower.
2. Will open the eggs, egg white, egg yolk respectively; egg white foam with chopsticks for her and paste into snowflakes, then join the egg yolk, chopped scallion and ham end until blended.
3. Will heated Add lard 50 grams of oil, 60% of the initiative heat, it will be dumped into the eggs until blended Boiler, covered with hoods, shift letter bake, and the remaining 50 grams oil from the pot around, bake about 5 minutes, opened hoods, turned deduction intraday top.